"I will never forget my English teacher..."

in Junior High school Mr. Murphy (many called him, “...a nasty piece of work...”) giving me an English paper that had a “D” on it and telling me, “...you will never be able to learn English...” I dedicated my first published book to him (written and published at age 21...I might add).

"Now Technically He Was Correct..."

I guess. I still can't diagram a sentence. I forget all the time the difference between a verb, a noun, and many of the other oddities of English and writing.

But between you and me, dear reader, that is why God created book editors. And yes we offer help with that necessary task (editing) that most all book author's manuscripts need.

Still I have four published books—three self-published (one selling over 85,000 copies by mail) and one published by Doubleday in New York. One of my books was excepted in Glamour and Working Woman magazines 

"Writing and publishing has allowed me to travel the world..."

visiting the London Book Fair, Frankfurt Book Fair (the largest book fair in the world), Book Expo East (in New York City), just to name a few places and events. And I was able to write these exciting and fun trips legally off of my taxes too. Plus, I actually did business, made contacts, made friends, and made money. It was really fun!

I will also never forget the feeling of walking into the main library in Manhattan, New York, and seeing my book in the library catalog. It is one of the most exciting feelings in the world and I still get chills just thinking about it. You deserve to be a published book author. 

If you need help or want help to get to that dream...my team and I would love to help you. I love books and book authors because I am one. In addition I have some of the best people in the world that I work with to make sure my author clients get to that exciting place of being a published book author.

Want to be one too? Start right now if you want by going to the HOME page of this website and grabbing my three free valuable reports on how to write (or get written), get published, and sell/promote...and market your book. 

Then call us on the phone. Or better still use the calendar feature on our CONTACT page on this website to set up a free phone consultation. To help figure what to do next to get You to the exciting title of "Published Book Author." Believe me it is fun to tell strangers, friends, and family, “I'm a published book author!” Let us help you and you can be one too.

Bruce Brown

Trained Book Coach, Publishing and Author Consultant

I'm eager to help you give your greatest gifts in service to the world through publishing your vision.

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